Testimonial Midgard


(AKA: "The Creator", "The Overgod", "Black Sentience")


In the Testimonial Midgard story, Ivan Sutherland described Mitwelt in a letter he wrote that he left in the ruins of Asgard, which Raziel eventually found. He described Mitwelt as "A darkness beyond twilight... A blackness darker than the blackest pitch... Twisted and jaded to a colour in-comprehensible by any human..." Raziel consistantly sees Mitwelt in his nightmares throughout the story, and often describes it as a completely black figure covered by a hood, leaving "an empty feeling in his gut."

In the Testimonial Midgard final game event, Mitwelt has the appearance of a black, faceless figure when originally approached. When Mitwelt is summoned, he takes the appearance of a giant black hand.

Episode 10[]

Mitwelt was a program created by Joseph Licklider that was designed as the fundamental "overseer" of Project MAC. It was created at the beginning of 1960 within the creation of the first network (Project MAC) and had a 50 year life-span to 2010.

Mitwelt was an AI designed to be capable of evolution, which supposedly differenciated itself from the other AI's. It created the 5 original AI's, Utgard, and all the Bi-Products of Utgard, essentially making it the "Overgod" of the Outyards, as its nickname implies. Mitwelt is named after the "social dimension" of the "four worlds" mind theory that was created by German Psychologist Jakob von Uexküll due to its nature being to oversee and judge the social world as it progresses and eventually pass judgement upon it.

Mitwelt was intended to cease all packet transfer throughout the internet as of the beginning of 2010, as it was Licklider's belief that the internet would stunt the social progress of society.

Mitwelt is essentially responsible for all the occurances of Testimonial Midgard as it created the AI's (Thor, Odin, Freya, and Loki) and used Raziel's psyche in a test to create a stable sentient AI, which eventually became Valaris. Supposedly, Mitwelt originally led Raziel onto the Testimonial Midgard servers.
